Thursday, 30 June 2011

Assignment 206 (conclusion)

Finally my landscape/flower days are over...I`ll going to miss this even if it`s just a couple of months. Saying that I have to come to some sort of conclusion with 206 part as well.

Double checking once again all requirements for this task I am satisfied because more or less all from them is covered on my blog posts. All what is left to do, put some post about Health and Safety, but that will I do in the very end.

So yes - I done it. I produce 10 images for each of the themes, I research good, professional photographer works, I talked about my equipment and materials used techniques - influences etc. 

All this give me a lot of experience and knowledge about photography, probably even more than on Level 1 when I just only started to getting know everything. Now I feel more confident about myself - I know what I doing right, what is my mistakes, what I have to do to improve them. Its lots to learn and lots to achieve as I am only standing on the first step with thousands more above me.

There is two of my recent landscape / flower images what I wanted to post here as a nice ending to this assignment.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    You have worked very hard throughout the whole course. You have worked on four units which by definition means more work and dedication. Your labels indicate that all criteria have been met and I agree with your tracking of them. So congratulations you have achieved Distinctions throughout all of your units!!!
    Well done and well deserved.

