Wednesday 13 April 2011

I feel Spring...(IV)

Now in the Spring time, when everything is awaking from cold winter time I cant resist not to capture a full natures beauty in its beginning. Blossom will not last forever and I have to be quick if I want to get the best of that's way probably I still holding back my other theme Landscapes, which I am leaving for last.

Like you can see I was again out and about looking for some new flowers what I will be adding to my collection of Close ups. I have to say I had lots already...but as it  is my first spring with my Nikon D3000,  so no one can blame me...

This time in my images I tried to fill in all frame with flowers instead of capturing just some details...

Camera Mode:   Manual 
    Shutter Speed:   1/80sec
     Aperture:    F7.1
            ISO:    100
     Lens Length:    300mm 
White Balance:   Auto 
Meter Setting:    Spot
                   Light:      Daylight only

Camera Mode:   Manual 
    Shutter Speed:   1/100sec
     Aperture:    F5.6
            ISO:    100
     Lens Length:    300mm 
White Balance:   Auto 
Meter Setting:    Spot
                    Light:      Daylight only

Camera Mode:   Manual 
    Shutter Speed:   1/100sec
     Aperture:    F5.6
            ISO:    100
     Lens Length:    300mm 
White Balance:   Auto 
Meter Setting:    Spot
                    Light:      Daylight only

Camera Mode:   Manual 
    Shutter Speed:   1/160sec
     Aperture:    F5.6
            ISO:    200
     Lens Length:    300mm 
White Balance:   Auto 
Meter Setting:    Pattern
                    Light:      Daylight only

 /Fro this image I had to lover my ISO, because I was under a tree and shadow not let much light in./

 Camera Mode:   Manual 
    Shutter Speed:   1/1125sec
     Aperture:    F5.6
            ISO:    100
     Lens Length:    300mm 
White Balance:   Auto 
Meter Setting:    Spot
                    Light:      Daylight only


  1. These are beautiful!!! I love the use of natural lighting that gives a real spring feeling to the photos! K x

  2. Hi Kristine, Some more really beautiful images. I was driving in the countryside the other day and I noticed the Rape is starting to flower. Dont panic it is only just starting I will keep my eye on it for you and let you know how it is going. See you soon. Deb x
